Workshop 2 - 2:45 - 3:30PM
Workshop 2 - 2:45 - 3:30PM
So, is that what you think?! (Room 400A)
Cheri Jordan
This workshop will focus on the 24 Character Strengths by having students to identify the strengths they believe/think they possess, help them see their untapped strengths and provide them with the tools to live a healthier life mentally & physically through completion of hands on team and group activities.
P.E.A.C.E (People Engaging in Acts of Care and Empathy) (Room 400B)
Laura Kempf, Maria Rockett, Dominique Hudson, Taylor Rodgers, Tosha Oliver
This workshop will evaluate peaceful versus violent protesting techniques in order to show how to be an effective agent of change. The group will open with a PowerPoint presentation displaying recent protests in comparison with historic protests alongside media coverage. This presentation will involve an open discussion from the students and will be followed with an activity. The activity will include small group discussions between students in order to create examples of a peaceful and violent protest revolving around a local school-based issue. In conclusion, we will all share-out our ideas in order to promote positive activism.
Who Am I? What is self? (Room 400C)
Andrew Joyner, Daniel Ware, Joshua Ware, Carl Houston
In the beginning we will perform a poem that will basically serves as the blueprint for the workshop. The piece will discuss some of the struggles we experienced on the way to finding self. From that we will have a mediator that will share some of his experiences and how he can relate to the poem. Then we will break off into groups where we will get a little more personal with the children, allotting them the opportunity to share how they can relate to the things discussed in the poem. From that we will also discuss solutions to these problems. We will then have an open discussion, giving the children the opportunity to expand upon what was discussed in the smaller groups, including the solutions. To close we will present another poem that is solution based to the struggles we shared in the beginning and how we overcame finding and defining self.
My Future For the Win! (Room 415)
Je'Von Calhoun
The countdown is on!!! Before you know it, you will be walking through the doors of your high school for the last time. So what comes next? Do you know what to expect after graduation? This workshop will use the Jeopardy game show platform to explore the various post-secondary options for current high school students. You will learn new terminology, and be given tools to put you in the driver's seat when determining your future.
Pamela Carter Pitts & Rosemary Oglesby-Henry
This 'How To' workshop will help teens to evaluate their behaviors and check themselves before taking any actions. The purpose is to encourage positive decision making based on personal morals, research and foreseeing the outcome then reacting.
Melanin Matters (Room 419)
Melanie Green, Alexis Jackson
Melanin Matters is about the matters in the everyday life of young women with particular attention to strengthening relationships. This workshop will cover how to nurture and foster healthy relationships with other young women, assist in defining what a healthy relationship is with a significant other and most importantly growing and nurturing the relationship you have with yourself. Along with a PowerPoint presentation featuring popular celebrity couples there will also be two hands on activities that could be put into everyday practice. Participation is not required but it is rewarding, long term and short term.
*Workshop intended for Female Identified People
"What Color Are You?" Learning and Understanding your unique Personality (Room 425)
Tjuana J. Evans & Victoria Evans
Who am I? Why do I behave the way I behave? How do I fit into Society? What may I contribute to this world? Where do I best fit in? These questions and more will be answered in this interactive workshop based on Discovering Your Best Self by learning and understanding your personality and how to use it in the world we live. In order to be an effective leader one must be Self Aware and understand where they are in their present moment of life. A leader who is Self-Aware will be able to lead others into Self Awareness while discovering the most fulfilling and enjoyable pathways on their Life Journey. Come learn how you can make our society and world more colorful with your unique personality.
Feeling Mental? Let's Talk about Mental Health (Room 427)
Miyah Byrd
Students will participate in activity that details mental health scenarios and ways to self-care.
Students will learn how to advocate for themselves at schools and with family.
Students will learn ways to help struggling friends.