Young, Not Silent 2023 is the 10th annual citywide youth summit. It is a FREE day of entertainment, music, food, and workshops on issues that matter to young people.
Young, Not Silent will be at Xavier University Cintas Center.
Saturday, November 11 from 11am – 6:00pm
For all youth in grades 7-12 from throughout Greater Cincinnati
Young, Not Silent is designed by young people, for young people. It engages young people in all steps of the planning, development and execution of the event.
What is the schedule for the day?
10:30am - Registration Opens
11:30am - Opening Session: Let’s Talk About It
12:30pm - Workshop #1
1:30pm - Lunch/Opportunity Fair
2:30pm - Workshop Block #2
3:30pm - Workshop Block #3
4:15pm - Youth Showcase/Dance
6:30pm - Event Ends
What will happen during the Opening Session?
Young, Not Silent will kick off with a forum for youth participants to identify what are the most important issues facing Greater Cincinnati. This session will feature small group discussion, Kahoot!, and speakers that will elevate youth voice and their experiences.
What will happen during the Workshop Blocks?
During Workshop Blocks, presenters will provide 45 minute sessions designed to help young people explore topics that are important to them. Grounded in the concept that if you want something to be different, you have to do different, each workshop will focus on equipping youth with skills of our 4 BE’s: BE A Leader, BE Aware, BE The Change, BE Your Best Self.
What will happen during the Youth Showcase?
During the Youth Showcase, the stage will be filled with young people’s talents, creativity and passion. Youth can sign up to perform a song, dance, spoken word, poetry and share additional talents and artwork. After the Youth Showcase, we will turn it over to the DJ and have a dance. It is going to be lit.
What are the opportunities for adults?
Workshops are designed for young people grades 7-12. Adults are welcome to volunteer, submit a worskhop, or table at the Resource Fair on behalf of an organization.
How can I get updates about Young, Not Silent?
More information and Registration details can be found on the website at and through social media: Facebook ( and Instagram (@youngnotsilent).
How to get to Young, Not Silent?
Young, Not Silent will be at the Schiff Family Conference Center at Xavier University’s Cintas Center. The address is 1624 Musketeer Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45207.
By Car: Dropoff and Parking for Young, Not Silent will be available in front of the building.
By Bus: The two Metro bus routes that best serve the Xavier area are Route 4 and Route 51
Additional Questions? Contact Shawn Jeffers at